Wellbeing and self-care
Thank you for visiting this page which we have provided to help you and your team to maintain your health and wellbeing during this time to keep you in an optimal health and ready to support others.
As we begin to restore and recover from the pandemic we all need to continue to think about our own wellbeing and how we move forward. During this time you may feel low, worried, anxious, or be concerned about your health or that of those close to you. You may be bored, frustrated or lonely; everyone reacts differently to events, but all of us need to take care of our minds and bodies and get further support if we need it.
There are some barriers to people seeking help and support. These include:
- Not prioritising our own health and wellbeing.
- Feeling overwhelmed by the amount of support and resources available.
- Not knowing where to start with either seeking or offering support.
Many resources have been created to support us during this time. In an effort to help you to navigate what is available and encourage you to access at least some of them, we have selected a few that we think you will find useful. Please signpost your team and other colleagues to this page; helping others is good for you too!
Pharmacist Support ACTnow wellbeing campaign Pharmacist Support, the profession’s independent charity, has launched a new ACTNow campaign to help pharmacists and pharmacy students to prioritise their wellbeing during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Every Mind Matters – COVID 19 resources to support everyone’s mental health during this difficult time.
This campaign is targeted at all adults, weighted towards those most at risk of mental health problems and more vulnerable groups (such as BAME groups and those aged 70+).
NHS employers Health, safety and wellbeing site
Preserving and protecting the health, safety and wellbeing
of staff is critical for NHS organisations as they respond to
the COVID-19 pandemic.
NHS staff support line and signposting to useful wellbeing apps
This support line is here for when you’ve had a tough day, are feeling worried or overwhelmed, maybe you have a lot on your mind and need to talk it through.
Trained advisers can help with signposting and confidential listening.
One thing that we have seen all over the world is that kindness is prevailing in uncertain times. We have learnt that amid the fear, there is also community, support and hope. The added benefit of helping others is that it is good for our own mental health and wellbeing. It can help reduce stress and improve your emotional wellbeing.
Looking after your mental health during the coronavirus outbreak
Infectious disease outbreaks can be scary and can affect our mental health. While it is important to stay informed, there are also many things we can do to support and manage our wellbeing.
Things are changing fast, and many of us are worrying about what
it all means for ourselves and for our loved ones. If you’re finding
things hard emotionally right now, you’re not alone; we’re here to
provide information and support.
GOV.UK Guidance for the public on the mental health
and wellbeing aspects of COVID-19
The guide provides advice on how to look after your
mental health and wellbeing during COVID-19.
Healthy Somerset Health and Wellbeing: COVID-19: How to stay healthy, happy and safe
For many people this is going to be a big change and you may find it boring or
frustrating. You may find that you miss being outside with other people, you
have problems sleeping or your mood and feelings are affected by all of the
change. With this in mind, it is going to be very important to do what you can
to keep healthy, happy and safe.
Mindline is a confidential listening service which provides a safe place to talk if you, or someone you know, is in distress. We can also give information about mental health and local support services.
Thank you for taking time to think about yourself; it is easy in our roles, looking after others, to forget how crucial our own wellbeing is.