Resources to support contractors with the PQS PCN domains
Resources to support contractors with the PQS PCN domains
PSNC Briefing 031/20: Pharmacy Quality Scheme – Guidance for pharmacy contractors on the PCN domains (October 2020)
This PSNC Briefing contains guidance for pharmacy contractors on how they can achieve the two PCN domains of the Pharmacy Quality Scheme 2020/21.
Lookup spreadsheet to identify a pharmacy’s top 10 general practices (Microsoft Excel)
Note: this is a large file (37MB), so it is available to download via Dropbox.
This spreadsheet allows contractors or LPCs to identify the top 10 general practices for whose patients they dispense prescriptions.
PSNC Briefing 013/19: An introduction to Primary Care Networks (March 2019)
This PSNC Briefing provides an explanation for community pharmacy teams of what Primary Care Networks (PCNs) are and their role in the NHS. It can be used by LPCs as an introductory briefing on PCNs for contractors, as part of local work to engage contractors and their team in the work of networks.
A digital presentation (based on Briefing 013/19) is available which explains what contractors need to know about PCNs.