Hypertension case-finding service
Published on: 23rd August 2021 | Updated on: 8th December 2023
In public-facing communications, the service is described as the NHS Blood Pressure Check Service.
This page has been updated to reflect the service requirements from 1st December 2023; please see our news story for further details.
From 1st December 2023, the service can be provided by suitably trained and competent pharmacy staff; previously, only pharmacists and pharmacy technicians could provide the service. For the rest of this page, the term “pharmacy staff” will be used to denote pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and other non-registered members of the pharmacy team.
Where non-registered pharmacy staff provide the service, until clinical IT systems are updated to allow their names to be entered within the clinical record, the name and GPhC registration number of the responsible pharmacist should be included in the clinical record.
Webinar series announced
Community Pharmacy England will be hosting a series of webinars to help pharmacy owners and their teams to prepare for the new Pharmacy First service, and changes to the Pharmacy Contraception Service and Hypertension Case-Finding Service.
The webinar on the Hypertension Case-Finding Service will be held on Wednesday 3rd January 2024, 7-8.30pm.
Click on a heading below for more information
The 5-year Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF) agreement reached in July 2019 included a plan to pilot case finding for undiagnosed cardiovascular disease. In 2020, NHS England commenced a pilot involving pharmacies offering blood pressure checks to people 40 years and over. In some pharmacies within the pilot, where the patient’s initial blood pressure reading was elevated, they would be offered 24 hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM), which is the gold-standard for diagnosis of hypertension. Following the initial findings of the pilot, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and NHS England proposed the commissioning of a new Hypertension case-finding service, as an Advanced service, in the Year 3 negotiations.
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the leading causes of premature death in England, affecting seven million people and accounting for 1.6 million disability adjusted life years.
This places a financial burden on the NHS of approximately £9 billion per year.
Hypertension is the biggest risk factor for CVD and is one of the top five risk factors for all premature death and disability in England. An estimated 5.5 million people have undiagnosed hypertension across the country.
CVD is a key driver of health inequalities, accounting for around 25% of the life expectancy gap (27% in men and 24% in women) between rich and poor populations in England. Those in the most deprived 10% of the population are almost twice as likely to die as a result of CVD than those in the least deprived 10% of the population. Additionally, 60% of excess mortality for those living with severe mental illness can be attributed to preventable physical health conditions, such as heart disease.
Residents of the most deprived areas in England are 30% more likely to have high blood pressure (BP) compared to those in the least deprived areas . Community pharmacy BP monitoring has the potential to increase the detection of hypertension within local populations and is expected to positively impact health inequalities by targeting people who do not routinely see their GP or use other NHS services.
The NHS Long Term Plan commits the NHS to reducing morbidity and mortality due to CVD, tackling inequalities and a shift towards prevention strategies. It specifically states that community pharmacy, in collaboration with other providers, will provide opportunities for the public to check on their health through tests for high BP and other high-risk conditions.
In February 2019, as part of the Cardiovascular Disease Prevention System Leadership Forum, NHS England published new national ambitions for the detection and management of the high-risk conditions. The ambition for hypertension is that 80% of the expected number of people with high BP are detected by 2029, and that 80% of the population diagnosed with hypertension are treated to target. At the time of publication of the NHS Long Term Plan, NHS England and Public Health England (PHE) estimated less than 60% of people with hypertension had been diagnosed.
The Advanced service supports the work that general practices and wider Primary Care Network (PCN) teams are undertaking on CVD prevention and management, under the PCN Directed Enhanced Service which commenced on 1st October 2021. From that date, PCNs must improve diagnosis of patients with hypertension, in line with NICE guideline NG136, by ensuring appropriate follow-up activity is undertaken to confirm or exclude a hypertension diagnosis where a blood pressure of ≥140/90mmHg in a GP practice, or ≥135/85mmHg in a community setting, is recorded. As part of this, PCNs must work pro-actively with community pharmacies to improve access to blood pressure checks, via the hypertension case finding service. As part of their work in 2022/23, PCNs needed to have processes in place to support the exchange of information with community pharmacies, including a process for accepting and documenting referrals between pharmacies and GP practices, in relation to the hypertension case finding service. Read more about the changes to the PCN requirements in Community Pharmacy England Briefing 035/21 Data on community pharmacies providing the service is now available on the SHAPE Place Atlas tool. Strategic Health Asset Planning and Evaluation (SHAPE) is a web enabled, evidence-based application that informs and supports the strategic planning of services and assets across a whole health economy. The service data on SHAPE, which is aligned to the Index of Multiple Deprivation profiles, includes the number of patients seen monthly, the monthly change and the cumulative number of patients seen since the launch of the Advanced service in October 2021. Local Pharmaceutical Committees, commissioners, pharmacy contractors, general practice and public health professionals and their teams can use the data to work together to target the populations most at risk of CVD morbidity and mortality, to design and implement services to help identify more people with undiagnosed hypertension and reduce health inequalities. Access to the SHAPE Place Atlas tool is free to NHS professionals and Local Authority professionals with a role in Public Health or Social Care. Access to the application is by formal registration and licence agreement. Pharmacy contractors will need to use their personal NHSmail address to register to use the tool. Where a non-public sector email address is used to register for access, then a senior public sector manager will be required as a sponsor in order to gain access to SHAPE. Complete the user registration form The blood pressure service finder on the NHS website lets patients and healthcare professionals search for a pharmacy that provides blood pressure checks as part of the Hypertension Case-Finding Service.Service Data now available on the SHAPE website
Signposting patients
The service requirements are included in the service specification, which contractors must read before deciding whether to provide the service. Download the service specification (5th June 2023) Service Directions & Determination (published September 2021) The Pharmaceutical Services (Advanced and Enhanced Services) (Amendment) (England) Directions 2023 (published April 2023 – amended to allow pharmacy technicians to be able to provide blood pressure checks) The Secretary of State Directions provide the legal basis for the provision of the service. Download the service flowchart (Annex A) (PDF) (New 5th June 2023) Download guidance on measuring clinic blood pressures in line with NICE (Annex B) (PDF) (New 5th June 2023) Download the clinic blood pressure flow chart (Annex C) (PDF) (New 5th June 2023) Download the ABPM flowchart (Annex D) (PDF) (New 5th June 2023) Briefing 013/23: Guidance on the Community Pharmacy Hypertension Case-Finding Advanced Service (PDF) (Updated 7th June 2023) The service has two stages – the first is identifying people at risk of hypertension and offering them blood pressure measurement (a ‘clinic check’). The second stage, where clinically indicated, is offering ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM). The blood pressure test results will then be shared with the patient’s GP to inform a potential diagnosis of hypertension. Contractors opting to provide the service must undertake both stages of it, where clinically required, i.e. it is not possible to just undertake clinic BP readings and not ABPM. Currently, the service can only be provided by pharmacists and pharmacy technicians. Following changes to the VAT rules on 1st May 2023, which extend the VAT exemption on healthcare to include medical services carried out by pharmacy staff directly supervised by pharmacists. Community Pharmacy England will seek to negotiate a further change to the service, to enable pharmacy owners to make better use of the skill mix within pharmacies.
This Community Pharmacy England Briefing provides additional guidance for community pharmacy contractors and their teams on the service.
As part of preparations to provide the service, contractors will need to purchase or rent equipment for each of the two stages of the service – Clinic blood pressure check and ABPM – unless they already have equipment which meets the required standards. Equipment that is to be used in the service must be validated by the British and Irish Hypertension Society (BIHS), so contractors must use a ‘normal’ BP meter and an ABPM which are included on one of the two following BIHS lists: Validated BP Monitors for Home Use Validated BP Monitors for Specialist Use Points to note: Considerations before purchasing/renting equipment Contractors may find it useful to refer to the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency guidance on the purchase, management and use of blood pressure measurement devices and the Point of care testing in community pharmacies guide when selecting equipment for this service. Before a decision is made about the purchase or rental of equipment, there are several considerations contractors may need to think through to ensure they have weighed up the additional requirements, implications and costs associated with provision of the service when using their selected equipment. A non-exhaustive list of some of the considerations can be found below:
To provide the service, pharmacists and pharmacy technicians must: Additional optional training Pharmacists and pharmacy technicians wanting to undertake further training on hypertension, understanding vascular risk and behaviour change interventions can do so on an optional basis to support their own continuing professional development (CPD). Support with additional CPD* can be found on the: * Listing on this website does not constitute endorsement of the course or provider by Community Pharmacy England. Pharmacy Team training The whole pharmacy team can proactively promote this service and support with the recruitment of patients. Teams should be briefed on the service and coached on how to best approach people about the service. A pharmacy team briefing and a guide on how to recruit patients is available to assist contractors to engage and coach their team members. Download the Community Pharmacy England Briefing for pharmacy teams on the service (PDF) (Updated 8th June 2023) Pharmacies must have a consultation room that will be used for the provision of the service which meets the requirements in the Terms of Service. The consultation room should also comply with the following requirements: In agreement with NHS England regional teams, potential patients may be targeted and the service could be provided in other settings outside the pharmacy such as areas not designated part of the pharmacy within supermarkets or large stores or in community locations such as community centres, sports grounds and places of worship. Provision other than in the pharmacy, can be considered for occasional approval, and should not be sought for the same site being used frequently for delivery of the service in a manner that may undermine the National Health Service (Pharmaceutical and Local Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations 2013 (PLPS) by setting up locations where pharmaceutical services are offered that are not pharmacies. Off-site provision could therefore, support contractors with occasional provision, as part of approaches to support external provision of health promotion in communities in line with Health Living Pharmacy requirements. Details for the principles that NHS England regional team decision-makers may consider, are outlined in guidance, which can be accessed via the below link. The guidance also provides a template that contractors will need to use to make a request for offsite provision to their local NHS England team. Key Documents – NHS England Pharmacy Integration Programme – FutureNHS Collaboration Platform (Log-in required) Requests for off-site provision should be submitted to your local NHS England team. Contact details for your local NHS England team can be found here. Contractors must notify NHS England that they intend to provide the service by completion of an electronic registration through the NHS Business Services Authority’s (NHSBSA) Manage Your Service (MYS) application. Contractors must have a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the service, which all staff participating in provision of the service must be familiar with and follow. SOPs must include the process for maintenance and validation of the equipment used. Various pharmacy support organisations provide template SOPs which their members can personalise for use in their pharmacy. Following changes to the service specification, contractors are advised to review any existing SOPs for the service, to ensure any relevant changes to these SOPs have been made. Pharmacy owners must use an NHS approved clinical IT system to make their clinical records and payment claims for the service and to send messages containing the patient’s results to their general practice. The following four IT suppliers have developed their systems to include functionality to support the service, but over time, it is hoped other suppliers will add the service to their systems: Pharmacy owners providing the service will need to consider which system they want to use and will then need to enter into a contract with that supplier. Read more about the IT requirements for all CPCF clinical services Prior to provision of the service, contractors must engage with local general practices and/or PCN colleagues to make them aware the pharmacy is participating in this service. Practices may want to refer patients to the pharmacy for blood pressure checks (clinic blood pressure checks or ABPM). Where practices wish to use this facility, contractors should agree a local process with the practice by which this will work. There are no specific requirements set for this process and it could involve the practice agreeing that a specific list of patients can access the service or a cohort of patients could be specified. A letter / email template to support contractors to notify GP practices that the pharmacy will be providing the service is available. Download the GP letter / email service notification template (Microsoft Word) A briefing to provide information for general practice teams on the new Community Pharmacy Hypertension Case-Finding Advanced Service is available to assist contractors to engage their local general practice colleagues. Download the Community Pharmacy England Briefing for general practice teams (PDF) Contractors who have already been providing the service, should engage with local GP practices and/or PCN colleagues, to highlight the changes in this service following the publication of the updated service specification. Resources to support this, including a template letter / email and the briefing summary of the service for GP practices. Download the GP letter / email service update notification template (Microsoft Word) Once a contractor has decided they wish to provide the service, Community Pharmacy England’s implementation checklist will guide them through the steps they need to take to prepare to provide the service. Download the Hypertension Case-Finding Contractor implementation checklist Following the publication of the latest service specification, contractors who are already providing the service can use PSNC’s existing provider checklist to guide them through the steps they need to take to continue to provide the service.Training requirements
Consultation Room
Provision other than in the pharmacy consultation room
Sign up to provide service
Standard Operating Procedure
Select an IT system for clinical records
System and supplier
HxConsult (Positive Solutions)
Pharmacy Manager (Cegedim)
PharmOutcomes (Pinnacle Health)
Sonar health (Sonar informatics)
Engagement with local GP practices and/or PCN colleagues
Contractor checklist
The service specification lists the following inclusion and exclusion criteria for the service: Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria If practices want to refer patients who have already been diagnosed with hypertension for blood pressure checks, then contractors should work with their practices to agree a local process by which this will work; there are no specific requirements set for this process and it could involve the practice agreeing that a specific list of patients can access the service or a cohort of patients could be specified. General practices will also be able to refer patients requiring ABPM; in this scenario it is recommended that this referral is made electronically to the pharmacy. Download a practice referral template (Microsoft Word) Download a practice referral template (PDF) The service finder on the NHS website lets patients and healthcare professionals search for a pharmacy that provides blood pressure checks as part of the Hypertension Case-Finding Service. The tool also provides information on who is eligible for the service.
General practice referrals
Pharmacy blood pressure service finder tool
Contractors who will be providing the service can use a poster and, where facilities exist, digital marketing resources to advertise the availability of the service in the pharmacy. Download the poster (PDF) Download the digital marketing resources (PDF) Small flyers to use on prescription bags etc. (Microsoft Word) Small flyers to use on prescription bags etc. (PDF) Template patient leaflet to promote the service (Microsoft Word) Patient leaflet to promote the service (PDF) A patient recruitment guide containing tips on how to successfully recruit patients using some of the insights from pilot sites is available as part of the briefing for pharmacy teams on the service. Download the Community Pharmacy England Briefing for pharmacy teams on the service (PDF) To further promote the service and support the provision of healthy lifestyle advice, contractors may consider the use of Public Health England (PHE) and other patient support or charity organisations such as the British Heart Foundation to source educational materials to promote healthy behaviours, signpost to other services, and improve understanding about blood pressure. To download or order resources including leaflets, posters, guides and resource packs for campaigns from the PHE campaigns web pages the Pharmacy will need to register on the PHE website. Below are links to some examples resources which may be appropriate to the healthy lifestyle advice offered as part of this service: Prior to provision of the service, verbal consent must be sought from the patient by the pharmacist or pharmacy technician. In seeking consent, contractors need to ensure that the patient is made aware that the following sharing of information will take place: The General Pharmaceutical Council’s Guidance on Consent provides information on consent for pharmacists and their teams. The first stage of the service is the provision of a normal blood pressure check (clinic check) in line with NICE guidelines. A visual guide that can be used to support pharmacists providing this stage of the service is included in the template consultation form and as a standalone reference source. Download the clinic blood pressure guide (PDF) A high systolic and normal diastolic reading OR a high diastolic and normal systolic reading should be recorded as a high blood pressure reading. Appropriate action should be taken if either the systolic or the diastolic measurement or both fall outside the normal range. Where a patient is identified as having high blood pressure (140/90mmHg or higher, but lower than 180/120mmHg) prompt provision of ABPM will be dependent on the availability of an ABPM device. Should the patient decline ABPM through the pharmacy, they should be referred to their general practice or another appropriate local pathway. A leaflet that can be used to provide patients, relatives or carers with information about ABPM and what is involved is available. Download the ABPM patient leaflet (Microsoft Word) Download the ABPM patient leaflet (PDF) When providing ABPM, contractors may wish to ask the patient to complete an equipment loan agreement. Download a template ABPM loan agreement (Microsoft Word) During a consultation to fit an ABPM device and in line with the device’s instructions and the training provided: The use of 14 readings means the latest time for an appointment to see a patient and fit an ABPM would be 2pm if monitoring is stopping at 10pm. Should a patient fail to attend a scheduled pharmacy appointment to be fitted with an ABPM device, the pharmacy team should make at least two attempts, on separate occasions, to contact the patient to rearrange the appointment. In the event of a failure to attend, the patient’s GP practice should be provided with the initial clinic blood pressure measurement and notified that the patient failed to attend to be fitted with the ABPM device. When the patient attends the ABPM follow up appointment: Where a patient fails to attend a scheduled follow up appointment, the pharmacy team should make attempts to contact the patient to rearrange the appointment and return the equipment. If despite the pharmacy team making several attempts on separate occasions to contact the patient, the patient does not return to receive their ABPM results within five working days, the pharmacist or pharmacy technician should: Blood pressure readings should be discussed with the patient and results should be provided in a format that best suits the patient. The patient may prefer to have their readings written on a printed leaflet, it may be completed electronically by the pharmacist or pharmacy technician and emailed to the patient or the patient may prefer to take a photo of their readings using their phone. Download a patient leaflet to support provision of readings (Microsoft Word) Download a patient leaflet to support provision of readings (PDF) In line with the principle of Making Every Contact Count, the pharmacist or pharmacy technician should encourage the patient to discuss their lifestyle/behaviours and appropriate lifestyle advice should be provided where applicable. Local initiative and services that may assist the patient should be signposted. Example resources which may be appropriate to support the patient or raise awareness are detailed in the above patient advice section. Contractors should record any advice provided and any signposting in the clinical record. Where a patient is not registered with a GP practice, information should be provided to assist the patient to do this. Contractors must ensure that the patient’s general practice is notified of the blood pressure reading. Details of when to make a referral based on the blood pressure monitoring outcome are detailed in the service specification and the Community Pharmacy England Briefing for the service. Details of the required information to be sent to the patient’s general practice based on the blood pressure reading are outlined in Annex E of the service specification. From 1st September 2023, pharmacy owners had to use an NHS approved clinical IT system to make their clinical records and these systems also send a post-event message containing the patient’s results to their general practice. More information on the available IT systems can be found in the What do pharmacy owners need to do to provide the service? section of this page. When the service first launched, there had not have been time for pharmacy IT suppliers to develop functionality in their systems to support the creation of clinical records for the service. Contractors therefore, needed to make their clinical records in another way prior to the development of IT systems. Summary data on each service provision was required to be manually submitted to the MYS platform as part of the payment claim process (see the next section for further details). From 1st September 2023, pharmacy owners had to use an NHS approved clinical IT system to make their clinical records and payment claims for the service. More information on the available IT systems can be found in the What do pharmacy owners need to do to provide the service? section of this page. The IT systems allow pharmacy teams to make a clinical record for the service and the data in the record is then used by the IT system to populate a claim for payment within the NHSBSA’s Manage Your Service (MYS) platform. This means pharmacy owners will not need to manually transcribe data from their records into MYS, as was previously the case. The transfer of data to the MYS platform is via an API (Application Programming Interface) to automate payment claims and reporting of the data to the NHSBSA. The transfer of data via the API will happen throughout the month, as data is entered into the IT systems. The service provisions will then be available to view in MYS from the 1st of the following month. For example, service provisions in September will be available to view in MYS on 1st October. The information to be submitted via the API can be found in an Annex of the service specification. When submitted to the NHSBSA, this data will be used for post-payment verification and it will also be shared with NHS England to support evaluation of the service. Clinical records of service provisions should be retained for an appropriate period, but for the purposes of post-payment verification, reimbursement records must be kept for a period of three years after the service takes place to demonstrate service delivery in accordance with the service specification. As pharmacy contractors are the data controller, it is for each contractor to determine what the appropriate length of time is, beyond three years that the clinical records are kept for. Decisions on this matter should be documented in the SOP and should be in line with Records Management Code of Practice for Health and Social Care. Should a pharmacy owner’s chosen NHS approved clinical IT system fail the following forms may be used to maintain provision of the service. Where the clinical IT system is unavailable due to exceptional circumstances beyond the control of the pharmacy owner, then the record of service provision must be added to the clinical IT system as soon as possible after the clinical IT system becomes available again. Download a template clinical record form (Microsoft Word) Download a template clinical record form (PDF) Download a weekly summary template (Microsoft Excel) Download a weekly summary template (OpenDocument) Download an urgent, same day referral letter/email template (Microsoft Word) Download an urgent, same day referral letter/email template (PDF) Download appointment within seven days referral letter/email template (Microsoft Word) Download appointment within seven days referral letter/email template (PDF) Download an appointment within three weeks referral letter/email template (Microsoft Word) Download an appointment within three weeks referral letter/email template (PDF)Promoting the service
Patient advice
Clinic blood pressure check
ABPM provision
Return of ABPM devices
Failure to attend after ABPM for discussion of readings and equipment return
Information for patients and referrals
Blood pressure readings
Healthy lifestyle advice
Communicating with GP practices
Record keeping and data management
Business continuity – service provision during IT issues
The following fees have been agreed for the service: In addition, the following incentive fees across Years 3, 4 and 5 of the CPCF 5-year agreement. An incentive fee of £1,000 will be payable in the first year of reaching the specified ABPM threshold for the service provision, followed by a payment of £400 in subsequent years if the pharmacy reaches the specified thresholds for those years. Contractors who sign up after 2021/22 must achieve the ABPM activity thresholds specified for the given financial year and will receive £1,000 as a first payment. If a contractor signs up in 2021/22 and fails to do 5 ABPMs, they can earn £1000 by doing 15 ABPMs in 2022/23. Followed by a payment of £400 in 2023/24 if the pharmacy reaches the threshold of 20 ABPM interventions in that year. Contractors who signed up in 2021/22 or 2022/23 but not achieving 5 ABPM interventions in 2021/22 or 15 ABPM interventions in 2022/23 and contractors who signed up in 2023/24 must achieve 20 ABPM checks in 2023/24 to receive the £1,000 payment. As the incentive fees are only available for thresholds achieved up to 31st March 2024, no further incentive payments will be made after this period. These incentive payments will be funded separately (i.e. from outside the pharmacy global sum) by NHS England to incentivise case finding in line with the ambition outlined in the NHS Long Term Plan. To achieve these targets, contractors will need to first identify people in whom ABPM is indicated, i.e. people with high clinic blood pressure measurements who then accept ABPM with accompanying support and advice. The incentive fees will help contractors to fund the capital cost of purchasing a suitable clinic BP meter and an ABPM. If clinic blood pressure measurements or ABPM are provided at the request of a general practice, the service fees set out above will be paid to the contractor. If a contractor de-registers from the service within 30 days of registration, they will not qualify for the £440 set-up fee. In this event, if the £440 set-up fee has already been paid to the contractor, this money will be claimed back. Claims for payments for this service should be made monthly, via the NHSBSA’s MYS portal and no later than three months from the claim period for the chargeable activity provided. Claims which relate to work completed more than three months after the claim period in question, will not be paid. If the contractor is commissioned to deliver any related services e.g., the Pharmacy Contraception Service (incorporating BP clinic measurement), the contractor may not claim twice for the same activity. Claims were previously made manually on the MYS portal and the pharmacy owner had to enter into the MYS portal the interim dataset listed in Annex F of the service specification. Data should only be reported for the completed service. For example, where a clinic check has been undertaken and an ABPM is required, which will be undertaken in the following month, the data for the complete service provision should be reported once both elements of the service (clinic check and ABPM) have been completed. From 1st September 2023, pharmacy owners had to use an NHS approved clinical IT system to make their clinical records and payment claims for the service. More information on the available IT systems can be found in the What do pharmacy owners need to do to provide the service? section of this page. These IT systems will allow pharmacy teams to make a clinical record for the service and the data in the record will then be used by the IT system to populate a claim for payment within the NHSBSA’s MYS platform. The transfer of data via the API will happen throughout the month, as data is entered into the IT systems. The service provisions will then be available to view in MYS from the 1st of the following month. For example, service provisions in September will be available to view in MYS on 1st October. Contractors will then need to log into the MYS platform to check that the data matches the details in their IT system, and they will then need to submit their claim for payment. The full dataset for the Hypertension Case-Finding Advanced service can be found in Annex F of the service specification.
Claiming payment
If the pharmacy owner wishes to stop providing the Hypertension Case-Finding Advanced service, they must notify NHS England that they are no longer going to provide the service via the MYS platform, giving at least one months’ notice prior to the cessation of the service. The pharmacy owner may be asked for their reasons for withdrawal from the service.
Visit the Hypertension Case-Finding Service Frequently Asked Questions page for FAQs on the service requirements.
NHSE case study: Rohpharm Pharmacy Community Pharmacy England clinical service statistics dashboard NHSBSA Dispensing Contractors’ data Chief Pharmaceutical Officer’s blog on hypertension awareness
As part of NHS England’s activity to support the International Society for Hypertension’s May Measurement Month campaign, which raises awareness of the risks of high blood pressure, they have published a case study on Rohpharm Pharmacy in Newham, East London who are providing the Hypertension case-finding service.
The dashboard presents data on the Hypertension case-finding service (as well as other Advanced services) at three levels (national, LPC and individual pharmacy) for each quarter. The dashboards are based on the NHS Business Services Authority’s (NHSBSA) Dispensing Contractors’ data.
Data on the Hypertension case-finding service (as well as other Advanced services) can be found by clicking on the ‘Pharmacy and appliance contractor dispensing data’ dropdown tab.
In a blog published on 17th May 2022 to mark World Hypertension Day, NHS England has revealed that more than 6,800 community pharmacies have signed up to provide the service and over 75,051 checks have been carried out by community pharmacies.
Download the service flowchart (Annex A) (PDF) (New 5th June 2023) Download guidance on measuring clinic blood pressures in line with NICE (Annex B) (PDF) (New 5th June 2023) Download the clinic blood pressure flow chart (Annex C) (PDF) (New 5th June 2023) Download the ABPM flowchart (Annex D) (PDF) (New 5th June 2023) Slide deck for use by LPCs at local events (PowerPoint) Slide deck for use by LPCs at local events (PDF) Contractor implementation checklist (PDF) (Updated 5th June 2023) Existing provider checklist (PDF) (NEW) GP letter / email service notification template (Microsoft Word) (Updated 5th June 2023) Community Pharmacy England Briefing for general practice teams (PDF) (Updated 7th June 2023) Download the GP letter / email service update notification template (Microsoft Word) (New 5th June 2023) Practice referral template (Microsoft Word) (Updated 5th June 2023) Practice referral template (PDF) (Updated 5th June 2023) Service poster (PDF) Service digital marketing resources (PDF) Small flyers to use on prescription bags etc. (Microsoft Word) Small flyers to use on prescription bags etc. (PDF) Template patient leaflet to promote the service (Microsoft Word) (Updated 7th June 2023) Patient leaflet to promote the service (PDF) (Updated 7th June 2023) Pharmacy team Briefing (PDF) (Updated 8th June 2023) ABPM patient leaflet (Microsoft Word) (Updated 5th June 2023) ABPM patient leaflet (PDF) (Updated 5th June 2023) Template ABPM loan agreement (Microsoft Word) Patient leaflet to support provision of readings (Microsoft Word) Patient leaflet to support provision of readings (PDF) Template clinical record form (Microsoft Word) (Updated 5th June 2023) Template clinical record form (PDF) (Updated 5th June 2023) Weekly summary template (Microsoft Excel) (Updated 5th June 2023) Weekly summary template (OpenDocument) (Updated 5th June 2023) Urgent, same day referral letter/email template (Microsoft Word) (Updated 5th June 2023) Urgent, same day referral letter/email template (PDF) (Updated 5th June 2023) Appointment within seven days referral letter/email template (Microsoft Word) (New 5th June 2023) Appointment within seven day weeks referral letter/email template (PDF) (New 5th June 2023) Appointment within three weeks referral letter/email template (Microsoft Word) (New 5th June 2023) Appointment within three weeks referral letter/email template (PDF) (New 5th June 2023) The following links provide further information on Hypertension and related topics. If having read the service specification and the information on this webpage pharmacy contractors have outstanding questions regarding the service, they can email them to services.team@cpe.org.uk. Slide deck for use by LPCs at local events (PowerPoint) Slide deck for use by LPCs at local events (PDF)To support business continuity provisions in the event of IT issues only
LPC Resources