Somerset pharmacy quick intervention naloxone supply scheme
The Somerset pharmacy quick intervention naloxone supply scheme has been updated as part of a wider project to encourage people at risk of witnessing or experiencing an opioid overdose to carry naloxone. The model of supply is based on research funded by Pharmacy Research UK.
The Somerset pharmacy quick intervention naloxone supply scheme and training have been updated as part of a wider project to encourage people at risk of witnessing or experiencing an opioid overdose to carry naloxone. The model of supply is based on research funded by Pharmacy Research UK.
The updated training should be completed by every member of your community pharmacy team, whether or not they have completed the previous training and is as follows:
- Watch a recording of the training webinar (one hour)
- Access the essential links in red embedded in the slide presentation. NB, you need to watch the video as well as reading the slides and accessing the essential links.
- The links in blue within the presentation are optional if you would like to extend your learning.
Please promote this training to your whole team including relief, part time and locum staff to ensure this important service is made as accessible as possible.
Running the service:
- Make sure you can access your Exchange Supplies account to order naloxone, any problems contact Louise Evans
- Make sure you have at least one injectable (Prenoxad®) and one nasal naloxone (Nyxoid®) in stock at all times.
- You and your whole team should offer naloxone to all your opioid substitution therapy (methadone or buprenorphine) clients and if you provide needle exchange, offer naloxone to everyone who uses this service.
- Keep offering periodically as you feel appropriate. Please also make supplies if people ask for it.
- Any questions or problems, please do get in touch with and any training related questions please contact
- We will let you know how to access carry cases and paper maps of all outlets in Somerset when they are available.
Resources and important documents
Community Pharmacy Somerset Naloxone training webinar – Oct 2023
Ordering needle exchange packs from Exchange Supplies from 14 Nov 2023